M980-Monk Garden Premium Buddha and Pearls Ginseng Combo – 猛客尊贵佛头礼盒


4 bottles of 30 grams of ginseng pearls

Monk Garden Deluxe Gift Box

  • 4 bottles 30 gram each of Buddha Pearls Ginseng Roots
  • 猛客花旗参礼盒,尊贵礼品,高端大气,是美国花旗参行业最高标准。 威斯康辛农业部代表团赠送黑龙江省长的官方礼物。

规格:4 x 30 g 猛客参场珍珠参

Hailed from the legendary Monk garden with its 100 years of tradition.

Ratings: Aroma: 10 out of 10. Taste: bittersweet, 10 out of 10.

To ensure the highest standard in the US ginseng industry, we use only ginseng harvested from the current season. It simply the best ginseng gift set America has to offer!


    猛客绿色花旗参产于威州北部的猛客蔘场.绿色肥料配以原生态的生长环境及漫长的严冬培育了清香无比回甘无穷的花旗参. 吃一口五官通气,令人难以忘怀,独家供应. 猛客礼盒只用当季新蔘, 保持其独特口感与清香, 确保美国行业最高质量标准。每一片蔘片每一只蔘均手工精选。2021年起被同仁堂国际旗舰店代理。

    欲知猛客家族故事, 请看北美崔哥猛客基地现场报道以及CCTV纪录片“人参。家园”“人参。本味”

    Additional information

    Weight 1000 oz
    Dimensions 13 × 7 × 4 in


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